Halloween can be a festive time of year families can enjoy.  Countless homeowners get into the spirit by decorating their property and homes with decor. It’s your home, and as a homeowner you can do whatever you want, right? In some cases, yes, but if your home is a part of a Santa Clarita HOA, you may have some limitations. Here are some tips to help you avoid spooking your Santa Clarita HOA this Halloween. 

Follow the Guidelines

Since Santa Clarita HOA rules can differ considerably from neighborhood to neighborhood, it is a wise idea to look over your HOA’s guidelines before you invest time or money in decorating your home for Halloween. While you research your local rules, here are some common Halloween-decorating indiscretions your local HOA will surely be frightened by.

During Halloween in Santa Clarita HOA’s, one of the biggest out of-the-question decorating options are displays that make too much noise. Many HOAs consider this noise distracting to neighbors.  Double-check before employing loud, scary haunted house displays, mood-setting music, or characters that shriek when motion-activated.

Noise can be considered disrupting, but light show displays can also be an aggravation to your neighbors. For this reason, try to keep your lighting displays to a minimum. You should also have any lights on timers so they automatically turn off at a reasonable hour. As long as you keep your lights sensible, you should not run into any problems.

Large inflatable lawn decorations are very popular during the Halloween season. If you want to adorn your yard with inflatable pumpkins, zombies or goblins, consult your HOA guidelines first. Some HOAs forbid any shrines, figurines, religiously offensive pieces or other artwork.

To clarify, HOA rules do not ban decorating for the holiday entirely, but you are probably safer sticking with the basics. Pumpkins are a Halloween classic, and chances are, your HOA won’t mind if you garnish your porch with them. Use LED candles instead so there isn’t a fire risk when lightening them during the evenings. Fake spider webs stretched over your trees and bushes are another great option to help make your yard look a little spookier. You can also find many great window clings and door signs that can be as cheerful or as scary as you want.

When it comes to holiday decorating in Santa Clarita, HOA rules and regulations can be tricky. Contact National Property Management so we can assist you with all your local Santa Clarita HOA questions.

National Property Management Group has extensive experience managing HOAs. Our professional staff is knowledgeable about HOA management in Southern California, serving Los Angeles, Santa Clarita, Valencia, and the surrounding areas. We can manage your HOA properties for you so you have less to stress about. We provide innovative property management solutions that outshine our competitors. There is no property too large or too small that we cannot service. 


National Property Management Group
25115 Avenue Stanford A300
Valencia, CA 91355
(661) 295-5966

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